Thursday, January 21, 2010

Book of Eli

Well I am going to spoil it for you. If you are planning to watch this movie, dont read this post. But believe me you wont miss a thing - maybe save 10 bucks on the ticket. Whatever - I have to share this coz its too funny.

Post-apocalypse. Our hero Eli is traveling alone. He meets a lot of enemies - fights them, kills them - lot of dishum dishum. Character establishment - strong hero. Our villain Carnegie is looking for a "book" and he hires gangs to find this book. It turns out this book he wants is bible. He finds out that Eli has this book because he hears Eli pray. He tries to seduce Eli with his daughter, fight him with his gang. Everything fails and he finally stabs Eli himself and acquires the bible after a 30-minute drama and action. Our guy Eli, fatally wounded escapes to Alcatraz! Here he dictates bible from his memory for people at Alcatraz to write it down and print it. Then he dies.

Now for the laughs I promised: Carnegie goes home after all the fight and opens his beloved bible. And its in BRAILLE!!! Apparently ELI is blind all along!! Shhhh.... SUSPENSE!

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