Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is in the air

Oh its sooo - yes nice is the word I am looking for - not exactly beautiful. Its raining. But still the refreshing chill air - the bitter cold is behind us. Now I understand why Spring is so special. It lifts the spirit. I have to admit, after living in places with just Summer for all 12 months, I am beginning to like to seasons :) Well, it adds more drama to life - it makes you to feel stuck at home, it makes u feel gloomy and it also makes you feel so happy, like today.

Yesterday, my piano instructor taught me Major C scale and melodies set in C major scale. She said I should play with it and make my own melodies :D I got really excited. when I got home, I played and played still Karu begged me to stop :)

Now I am listening to old Tamil songs - simple songs set in C major scales. Illiayaraja can really do some magic with just the C scale - yes just the white keys - no complications and the music flows. My favourite is "Germmanyin senthemagala" Its so peppy!


  1. I love spring too.. Need to learn abt music/piano... have no idea what you are talking about

  2. germanyin senthaen malarae! :)

  3. Prasad - thanks for the correction - will ping u in the future for lyric back ground check :)
